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  • It's definitely rebuilding again... C'mon, we need to shatter it s'more! *giggles*

    Mmmkay~ Oooo, okay. Teela's a bit cuckoo so idk if we can. >.<

    CHARLES IS AWESOME. Imagine if Charles was the director of the NAHO. *shot*
    Oooh, yay! We need to make those two interact a bit more and if Charles's trust in Jasper breaks, Jasper is more prone to manipulation.

    Idea. What if Z tries to convince him to kill Charles? Like... can you make Charles really mean and distrustful of Z because he thinks she'll steal Jasper away from him? (Pass this idea on to Wolf if you like it.)

    hehe, I see.
    Ohmigosh, that sounds so mean yet so... exhilarating all at the same time! *grins super wide*

    Oooh, nice!

    *grins* We should develop their relationship some more. Maybe Charles should tease Jasper a bit when he comes in? And like embarrass him in front of Z? X'D

    Btw, chat update: It's calm and mellow right now~

    Oh, yeah! That'll work. Can Jasper kill Steven? :3
    Oh, hm... that'll work. (ooh, I see)

    I know about the privacy thing.. but like... does he know about its existence? Did Charles design the room for him? :3
    Yes! We are! *grins*



    Not creepy at all! He should~
    Btw, does Charles know about Jasper's secret room in the study? o_O
    Everyone thinks that we're perfect
    Please don't let them see trough the curtains
    D-O-L-L-H- O-U-S-E
    I see things nobody else sees
    Yeah, this roleplay is going fantastically well! I hope you have a lot of success with the next one too!

    Oh, okay. >.<
    Good idea! <3

    Yeah... I hope so too... and we did move fast. ^-^

    Yum! Nice cameo but idk how I should respond now... hehe.
    Hm... try eat something sweet?

    Yeah... it is sad... maybe next RP, things will go better? It's kind of normal for this to happen. An RP is made. Lots join and as it goes on, people fade away~
    I have a guy who loves murder and one who doesn't like harming people. Good balance. X'D
    *hugs* I'm sure it'll be better soon!~

    Ohhh, okay... I see... that stinks. >w<
    Balance is good!
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