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  • I hope so too.

    Okay! What can Charles do to make it seem like he trusts him more? What if Charles invites him to join in on his meeting? Or Charles hides documents about each of the killers/cattle around the mansion and Suzuya conveniently finds the file on Jasper and gives it to Komaeda?
    It was made by Sparkanine/Aradai as she goes by these days~

    Oh, hm... that's right! We should...

    No worries. I'll post something soon too.

    Did you get my PM btw? ;)
    Ooooh. *phew*

    For a second there, I thought you were shipping Jasper x Charles.

    Btw, I started DH's update but should I work on that or continue with PG's update? Which do you want more?
    I'm brainstorming out a new chapter right now. We'll see how it goes~
    Hehe. I wonder how this'll go.


    Hm... if I had to write a "sad" ending, would you rather DH or PG have a sad ending?
    Her hope is adorable but I feel like Blake might end up breaking her hope. </3

    She's so calm and mature. Hehe. I can't wait to break that!
    Mwahaha! Evil Teela shall soon be released from the cage the world has made for her! You can pretty much make an explosive out of everything! When will there be an update on lovely, lovely Philip?
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