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  • Lolipup, final answer.

    You can always change your "display name" later but keep in mind that username, one you use to log in with, and display name are two different things.
    It's cute! I like it!

    But it doesn't have the same ring that "Lolipup" does so I'm conflicted. </3
    Very fun! Um... Lolipup? Not many are taken so you have a wide selection. ;3

    Just finished episode 18 but I'm done with anime for the day.
    Yup~ How can I ease your fear? :3

    Oh, no worries. I'm about to eat too. XD


    Haha. yup.
    If it makes you feel any better, there was another new person joining us at that site today and it went well.

    (That person I told you about that now likes Suzuya too. Today was their first day on there.)
    No. That's my nickname for her. Her username is "blueorange63". Wait... am I scaring you? Oops. >w<

    Hehe. I'm trying to give you guys some time before he announces~

    Thanks. XD

    (That's where the fanart of the crackship Faith x Mr. Harris got posted too.)
    The only thing scary about joining that site is April Fool's day.

    Blue and I plan to do something big. ^-^
    It was great! *claps*

    Thanks! I'm so glad you like it! >w<

    Blue, my scheming buddy (aka friend I have that inside joke with), dared me to make a shipping thread. XD
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