• And we're back! Mushroom Season continues on The Bell Tree with an all-new mysterious set of Foraged Mushrooms. Good luck foraging and identifying!

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  • Oh, my... I'm so excited that I might even write like 20 chapters tonight. (Over-eaggeration, maybe I'll do two.)

    I'm almost done being afk then I can reply.
    If you stay up late enough, maybe, I'll have it done by then.^w^

    Okay! I'll reply soon. A bit busy atm.
    I can try to arrange a meeting. I'm so hyped that I just want to add him already but I can't yet. Btw, chapter 7 will make you hate the clones a bit, I hope. I need to balance the hate between clones and the NAHO. Because I haven't shown it yet but some clones are really violent...

    Yesss! <3
    See? I knew you would like him! Although, I do have a bit of a morbid ending in mind for the story and I may crush a lot of hearts in the process...

    ;w; I'll wait.

    Those are all my questions/answers from part one.

    So... how does Zero sound so far overall? ;)
    And last but not least, the saddest one... ;w;

    What is one strong memory that has stuck with your character from childhood? Why is it so powerful and lasting?

    > The strongest memory that has stuck with him since childhood is seeing the expression of his father as his father left his life for good. It was an expression of pure joy and satisfaction. It made Zero absolutely despise humans and their despicable ways.
    It's Saturday at noon. What is your character doing? Give details. If he's eating breakfast, what exactly does he eat? If he's stretching out in her backyard to sun, what kind of blanket or towel does he lie on?

    > He would be out on the town, exploring, possibly even stalking a few interesting folks, to get a feel for the town he's currently in. He stays in each place anywhere from 2 weeks to a year, depending on the city he's currently in.

    Your character is getting ready for a night out. Where is he going? What does he wear? Who will he be with?

    > He would be going to explore a new location or store that he had found. He dresses casual so as to not stand out too much and he would go alone. He finds pleasure in solitude.
    When your character thinks of his childhood kitchen, what smell does he associate with it? Sauerkraut? Oatmeal cookies? Paint? Why is that smell so resonant for him?

    > He doesn't really have too many memories of his childhood but the smell that he associates it with is the smell of blood. The smell of blood is very strong for him as his father killed his mother right before abandoning him and disappearing from his life.

    Your character is doing intense spring cleaning. What is easy for him to throw out? What is difficult for him to part with? Why?

    > It's easy for him to throw out anything associated with his old life. He prefers to keep everything he owns nice and tidy. He'd rather move on to the future than stay stuck in the past.
    He loves exploring and has a sense of child-like wonder when he sees new things as his childhood was a bit bleak and lonely.
    What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On his bedroom floor? On his nightstand? In his garbage can?

    > In his refrigerator, there are cans of soda and bags of ice. He has a weird habit of chewing ice. It seems to help him concentrate. In his closet, he has boxes of cup noodles and various other quick meals. He prefers grabbing something to go than sitting down and having a home cooked meal.

    Look at your characters feet. Describe what you see there. Does he wear dress shoes, gym shoes, or none at all? Is he in socks that are ratty and full of holes? Or is he wearing a pair of blue and gold slippers knitted by his grandmother?

    > He wears worn-out sneakers. Every now and then, he buys himself a new pair but not that often.
    What makes your character laugh out loud?

    > He doesn't have a sense of humor. He's lived on the run for so long that he has forgotten what it feels like to laugh or what it's like to find something funny. He's learned from a very young age how to be serious and it's almost as if his childhood has been sped through as a result.

    When has your character been in love? Had a broken heart?

    > He is incapable of falling in love. He views love as a petty waste of time.
    Does he have a secret?

    > Before his father abandoned him, his parents had discovered that there was something a bit wrong with Zero. During the cloning process, everything seemed to be going well until they discovered a glitch. As a result, scientists learned that Zero appears to have a few genes for multple personalities, making him not wothy of existance. His mother was upset to learn this and his father wanted him dead. His father wasn't able to put up with Zero any longer. One day, he tried to kill Zero but his mother took the hit and died in Zero's place. Zero's father was so overcome by grief that he ended up abandoning his son instead of killing him as he originally planned. He realized that the world out there would be much more cruel to Zero than he could ever be.
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