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  • Yay! Hehe!

    Hm... make Charles tell him now and he does it while she's sleeping in the early hours of the morning?

    I'll go take a peek then.
    I was having a lot of fun too! And it's not your fault. I had trouble sleeping because too much on my mind. Too much fun. <3

    10pm seems like a good stop time. heh.

    Haha, nice!
    Yeah... and I should sleep early too...

    My mind was too active last night and I couldn't sleep until 2am. >w<

    I got like 4.5 hours of sleep. XD
    hello there beautiful. You are so amazing, wonderful and the best in the entire world.
    I love you so much, more than anything in the entire world. <3
    Lol okay good. It certainly would be funny if she were to pull the trigger on herself while trying to kiss it or something. Me and my messed up logic XD
    So you want to ship Teela with her gun...? Wow... I'm normally the one to confuse people, but it isn't often when another confuses me... Sure, I guess it would be fine? -.-'
    well, no i thought Kaneki already got his tickets? It was more to a random person and beardo.

    Though, if he hadn't got his yet, it can be to him ^v^
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