So I started seeing this guy about.. 2-3 weeks ago. We became exclusive after a few dates and I stayed for about.. a week at his place. He took me to work the day I was leaving and then told me he couldn't pick me up that night, leaving me stranded and calling a taxi. He's only seen me once since then, and every time I ask to hang out or go out, he's "too busy" or needs to "sleep for work tomorrow," even if I find out he doesn't have work that day. Then if he arranges something with me, he'll end up bailing that day because "something came up."
I don't know if I'm asking to see him too much this early on or if I'm just not a priority, but I'm not sure if I should tough it out and see if he changes (of course, by making myself less available too) or if I should just move on. :C