• The first day of our new Mushroom Season event has passed, but things are just getting started. Read the update about changes made to the schedule, starting with day two. Be careful foraging and good luck!
  • Come and see the official gallery showcasing all of your creative entries from The Bell Tree Fair 2024. In addition, the winners for the final raffles have been drawn! Click here for the event's final closing announcement.

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  • well, i rp whenever im on so yeet
    it 12:44am
    and, im usually on at these times, depending on when i sleep

    when going to sleep late:

    Yes! With my CYOA 'The Mystery of Moonlite' and even more so, with its sequel 'Silent Killer'. I'm loving this story so much. *squeals*

    ahh i dont want to sound rude but--

    i probably wont be able to rp with your schedule much as im trying to go to sleep at a good time though you usually are on at like 12am, like now ; v ;;
    It is amazing but I've fallen in love with LtH while writing chapter 5. <3

    I would tell you but spoilers. ^-^
    I also found a way to fix my most hated character a bit. Might be able to do it in chapter 5 too!
    You should! I really feel like it is SO much better than LV, which is already amazing.
    Oh, cool.

    I just posted in the RP but I'm not home so I won't be able to respond for a while.
    sucks verryyyy much omg D; but at least i didnt get as sick as last time...... last time, i was literally too weak to get out of my bed, i felt helpless!
    But about the TTing part, go ahead if you have time <3

    and its finee, im also experimenting PS at the same time and its actually stress-relieving~ but yeah i have some homework to do (ugh Accounting) so i'll get back to you later!! ^-^
    Thank you dear ♡ im still feeling a bit woozy but I think im getting better ~ are any of your villagers ready to move? ;w;

    Also im still not done with your bump thingy yet!!! You see, im trying to make this super nice but I feel like my skills are so, like.... gone XD Its been a while since my GFX class!!
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