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  • I think Despair is a great name to fall back on if all else fails. OuO The poll would help a lot; I've seen tons of people make them. Usually one name dominates over the rest and the decision is so much easier!

    BISKIT IS LIFE <33 He reminds me of a plush puppy. He's orange, but his ears/tail are green. It's like someone stitched him together with love. >u< What tier is Biskit on? I hope you can find him!
    Yes, you will figure things out eventually! Creampuff town is so adorable omg HBDHSBDS I'm mad at acnl for having such a small character limit for this. ;3; Maybe you could make a poll thread in the New Leaf section. People can vote for their favorite name!

    Of course! My mom is a fantastic cook and made everything ( ;u; I shall hold onto Skye for you then! I'm sure you'll be seeing Biskit again very soon <3)
    If you're having a tough time deciding, write down all the names you're considering on a sheet of paper, cut them out, and put them into a bag. Pick one out at random! The first one you pick should be the one you stick with.. but if you're unsure, pick out another. It's mostly a psychological test to help you figure out which name you really want!

    Yes, they're all homemade! (Are you sure? ;u; But your poor Biskit! I want you to be absolutely sure you want Skye over him. Biskit is absolutely adorable <3)
    Eh, I could allways make the base and have you collect it from Avon instead of QR?
    Despair is a great name! But if you want a super cute name, I'll try thinking of something else. Hmmm.. For some reason, the word 'puff' keeps popping up in my head. 'Puffle'? Or maybe something related to baking since you love to bake!

    Chicken, duck, some tuna fish sandwiches, fruit salad.. Tons of stuff! >u< (Okay! My town already has a Biskit, so I will only be able to accept Skye ;3; )
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