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  • Maybe you should post the entries on the first page so people see that others have used them?
    Even though the thread is only 3 pages long (and people should look beforehand xD)
    But idk, it may lead to copying too ._.

    Haha you're so lucky you have at least someone to talk about anime with. I got a guy friend of mine to watch attack on Titan but thats pretty much as good as it gets for me -.- my girl friends won't give it a shot because they say anime is "childish and creepy"

    & yes the song suited it well! Oh I see, I haven't heard of that program before. I never knew you made anime themed YouTube vids!
    & that computer screen gif with Susuya was just perf.

    pssst did you see that cat pic of Kaneki, isnt it cuuuuuuutee?! Awe I love it.
    Oh gosh I love it! You have no idea how much I like these. (it's not really easy to show expression across the Internet xD) but I save every single one! I show my irl friends too hehe.
    By the way, I checked out your giveaway. It still sucks how that render is being used over and over x( But there was one new one! & it's gorgeous!

    Really?! Tokyo ghoul really connects people (; jk. But awwe really? That's adorable though! I'm kind of opposite. I kind of blend in with the crowd though, I have a small circle of friends ;p
    THING IS, NONE OF THEM LIKE ANIME. I don't know a single person that does, and it kills me.
    (wheres Kaneki when you need him)

    YEEES! I liked the music you used with it! What do you use to edit your videos?
    Lol, I really just wanted a chance to use that vocaloid love note thing XD it's all good.
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