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  • Hi again!

    Iris and Klaus are stuck together all the time. lmao it reminds me of how jealous my friend Nikki got in HM DS Cute. Her hubby Skye kept wandering off in the middle of the day to stand in front of the Harvest Goddess' pond thingy.. for hours. He never helps out at the farm or anything. She got so mad at him! That cheating sonuvabi*ch xD

    Aww, a brown cow! <3 Choco is the perfect name too. Choco and her baby Chip.. So cute! Maybe you could name your horse Muffin? (It's hard to think of a good name that's only 6 letters long. ;3; )
    these guys on my sidewalk were fighting ( playfully ) so i stopped for a sec and then they kissed eatchother and said "i love you" and walked away, it was so cute ; v ;
    lol thats what she did xDDD ya ill get her a card and the little thing I bought her <3

    Suzuya would love you if you did~
    I'll just do a 'i o u 1 present n.n"' like she did xD

    Yea! Post! Post! Do itttt
    Oh? When's your birthday?
    sht bambies is on friday and i have no idea what she wants
    It's ok! If you just say sister, its non specific :)
    nooooooooooooooooooooo i meant her attitude xD
    nom children
    jkjk i hate the mongrels
    If you want, but we would miss you xD

    oh, now may be good as Rina has encountered Glass Shard and Scarface so she could call in Team Juuzo
    That was Bambie.
    Shes like that IRL a lot xD
    You can do it! *sticks Yoriko thumb up and grunts*
    It isn't intentional....kinda habit xD
    Maybe ;)
    Ah, I'm in the UK so its unlikely, but I can't remeber the name anyway xD
    Bambie was going on about needles and going to the doctors to get it done under supervision and I be litterally like NO STFU EW.

    i will tell her no eating the babies
    I don't mind blood (I bite my nails from habit, so often I clip too much skin and out comes blood xD) but needles OH MY GOD NO
    Yep, sharpies are great.
    I use them to draw manga on my hands because they dont run~
    I'm planning to do Rabbit Touka/Rize for a comicon in november, and I'm just gonna draw the eyes on my eyelids

    schlera lenses creep me out
    I have a fear of needles so it probably would creepy the bejeezles out of me.
    Use a sharpie <3

    Yeah, it freaks me out a loooooooot.
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