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  • Check Chatzy! I finally got the perfect name for Lucifer! The siblings finally are perfect! Ohh... Now I need to find a medieval weapon for him...
    eh- we just checked what was on in the cinema and there is literally nuthin on T.T time to find a plan B or a new cinema....
    Yeah, we're going to this italian restaurant that I love <3
    Oh no, did you do something about it? I hope it feels better

    I feel so much better, relieved almost! I'm almost done ;-;
    Awwww! It's your anniversary?! Happy aniversary!! YAAAY!
    Just be romantic, and bother eachother all day -that's what you do xD but I'm so happy for you!
    I'm packing my bags to go visit home tomorrow, still nervous haha.
    Aww, TY!
    Btw, Just wanted to let you know that they are finished! Once tinypic loads I will post the gif in the thread, aswell as the singular people, and then pm Haise to Prahba :D
    You always make my day! You practically have superpowers that can bring happiness to everyone you talk to, and it takes a special person to be able to do that. It's like that saying "you are a person who lights up the room". That describes you perfectly >u<

    Ahh thank you! Your username is cuter though! Oh and I was nervous too when we first started talking. Whenever I see someone I want to be friends with, I just sit there thinking 'Should I say hi?' with my fingers kinda hovering over the keyboard. We made it through that hurdle because of that funny banning thread that helped us out of our shells.

    Aww all that unluckiness is probably just in your head. Besides, being a little clumsy sometimes is a really endearing quirk! It just adds to who you are as a person. <3

    Thank you.. That really means a lot to me!
    Thank you. I love Hanji, but I can't define "how" I love her. There are plenty of different ways to love someone. You can love someone as a very great friend, as a close family member, or as his/her lover. But my feelings for her differ from these typical feelings, I love her differently.
    It's somehow special.
    Awh no. Is it an ear infection, or something?
    *checks ears for centipedes*
    Ugh, I don't think music would help very much... Maybe take a nap or visit the doctor? ;-; I just want you to feel better.

    I'm okay! I'm done with my lab report, and I finsihed the consensus and I got some sleep last night.
    So I'm just relaxing and making some art, what are you up to?
    Ah, just Evvie! I get called that a lot IRL and in other places, so I generally go by that :D

    omg TBT keeps telling me I have an unread vm but I don't D:

    It's glitched! This is going to drive me nuts
    By fever I meant that you're totally in love (I posted this just after you talk about your boyfriend for an entire paragraph)
    Yes, you did! I smiled immediately and you know what else happened? I felt happy for the first time today! Sitting at work all by myself, with no other coworkers, was really dull and boring.. and all I could think about was how much I'd rather be somewhere else. You made my whole day <33

    You create the best usernames! I can't come up with any, so all I got is 'mysonicplush'.. named after my sonic plush. lol! YES I WANT PUPPY LOLLIPOPS TOO

    You won't mess up! Just spending time with each other is enough to make the anniversary a special one. (That gif is so adorable) It sounds like you're going to have a lot of fun! I wish that someday, I can have a relationship that's as strong and loving as you and your fiance's. ;u;
    Oh my....Haise is very tricky to draw!! This is about my third attempt *Crais*
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