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  • haha perfect cx

    no problem... ugh I wish I could be you right now. I just want to get some chinese food and sit down and finish psycho pass.
    YEAH I didn't even finish it yet because of my stupid professors assigning me my weight in papers.

    oops..did I just rant? ANYWAY I'm so glad you are! Aaaaawwwww plus I've noticed you've stopped calling yourself trash lately, and it's great knowing that your confidence is so much more now.
    pst I like your personality too *looks away*
    So what's their name and addresses? For... research purposes...
    *clenches fists*

    Of course, feel free. I'm glad you're over it because you shouldn't believe for a second that you're disgusting.
    Ugh, well I hope you're better now! Hehe you're so beautiful don't listen to them.
    I'm afraid she'll think I'm "flirting with you" because I'm a guy
    and I'm gay and I don't like you in that wayy ; w;;
    I'll call you Alee
    (Your bae Prabha should call you puppy)
    Also sometimes I feel really uncomfortable saying things to you because of Prabha...
    I don't care at all! ; v ;;
    Omg don't think like that, I wouldn't care if you said "it"! (atcally no, that would offened me)
    But saying "she" idc people call me a girl all the time (NOT THAT YOUR MAKING FUN OF ME ; v ;; )
    But it's fine ; v ;; <3
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