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  • ohmigosh, no, it's not your fault at all. Aww... I hope you feel better. ^^

    I have no idea. .-. When those two sides just crash, I just feel either numb or empty... My heart is just too dark... </3

    I'm weird... that's all there is to it.
    No worries, you're fine... >.<
    Maybe the best way not to hurt other people is to... not get involved with them in the first place... *sigh*
    I feel bad that I'm affecting you that much... *shot* I'm too much trouble...

    Oh... idk... I was trying to connect my outer, "happy" self with my "inner darkness" and I think my insides ate my outsides and I just about crashed... plus, my mom's not helping at all... she keeps accusing me of stuff and it's hard. ;w;
    It's fine... .w.

    If you're busy, you don't have to force yourself to talk to me... //I'm having a mini crisis over in the chat so a bit busy...
    Tsukiyama actually ate himself so he must taste pretty good.
    Hmm wonder who tastes better?

    & brb. My sister is calling me and this'll probably be awhile cx
    I wish I had Rize's hair but it'd be extremely hard to get a job if I did cx hahahaha
    It's so beautiful though!

    I would pay my life to have Tsukiyama be the one to make Haise remember everything
    LIKE HOW FUNNY X AWESOME X AMAZING X GHOULTASTIC WOULD THAT BE?! Haha like Tsukiyama just goes Trse bien and Haise remembers
    Psht Tsukiyama is trash compared to you, Juuzou.<3
    It's okay~

    I just don't have a lot of energy... my sister's the hyper one, running around all the time.

    It sounded like more work than fun... I'm having fun talking to Pod right now~ It's so great that he's back. *shot*
    My hair is brown but it looks black too!
    I know the struggle

    then again... "three good" doesn't really make sense... xD
    Btw Im not skyping you right now because I'm on my laptop that Skype doesnt work on
    hehe his hair is black oops
    brown black same difference
    WHAT LANGUAGE IS TSUKIYAMA SPEAKING HALF OF THE TIME THOUGH.. is it a mixture of spanish and something else idk...
    (obvs I know one is japanese xD)

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