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  • I'm drowning in homework and class work that I've missed xc

    BUT THAT GIF JUST BOOSTED ME 10x (and the five cups of coffee I just had)
    Kuro Kaneki with shades is the bestest. CAN YOU GET SHIRONEKI IN A DRESS?! 0.0 I NEED IT.
    I honestly don't, and I'm hoping it wasn't too much! ): Aaah well I'm here now and that's all that matters <3
    It felt so weird not talking to you for awhile!

    IT WAS HORRIBLE! It was the weirdest thing ever. I was driving my car and I crashed into some kind of shadowy figure. Then everyone was mad at me, and I was trying to tell you about it and you were absolutley furious at me.. And you said you hated me and whatnot.
    AND THEN EVERYTHING GOT DARK and you were shown in Suzuya form. (Basically it was you, shown as Suzuya idek) and then you were like "I was the one you hit." AND THEN I WOKE UP.
    Yes! I'm finally back for my wifey <3

    YES IM READY. IVE BEEN READY. *hugs back and spins around in a circle*
    I was jet lagged a lot, and I just had this horrible nightmare with you in it.
    That's very true. ;; But I suppose the only solution is to keep cleaning
    Tidiness is good!! I've got to clean soon, but it can be hard when everything just seems to get messy again a few days after. The struggle.
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