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  • "He clicked the walkie talkie on, not having time to call for help but hoping that the noise of what was going on would be signal enough for the others."

    It's on to the point where Shinohara and the others can hear everything. (I want them to hear the battle. :3)

    Btw, Jasper is still handcuffed so he can't help.
    Hehe, at least you can sleep in!~

    Yeah... Poor Kaneki. ;w;
    I know but it's hard to. >.< and I'm all done with RE:. I'm 100% caught up with it all!
    Good night!~

    > I should be more free tomorrow to RP. We'll see~ (because an average of one post a day between us is not that good...)
    Sneak Peek of Chapter 21:

    In comparison to humans, most clones definitely had a weaker body structure and these samples so far were no exception. They all had very weak limbs, as typical of their age, and the hair they had was easily deteriorated once plucked from their roots. It had seemingly turned into ash after it was pulled out, leaving quite the mess in the lab. It wasn't too bad since there was also specks of flesh and blood wildly strewn about the place. What more would a little dust do to the already disheveled lab?
    Two. One is 3 y.o. and the other is 2 months... ;w;

    Yeah... it is sad but as Kaneki Ken said "Instead of being the person who hurts others, become the one who gets hurt."

    Oooh, okay. I think I might write a bit of chapter 21 before I sleep. Not sure.
    Yup. I went a full 24 hours without a full meal from Thursday to Friday so I really need to eat more... and yeah, there's a little red line on my hand now... >.<

    Heh, I feel like Kaneki in the aspect that everything bad happens to him... when will I become stronger though?~

    Oooh, speaking of, I'm all caught up with the manga now, at least!

    Oh, wow. This reply turned really long. Oops. X'D
    Basically... ;w; Nope. They're too busy with my other siblings...

    Good idea. I'm kind of sleepy right now so I wouldn't be able to think too well. I just made myself a soup after not eating for ~12 hours and accidentally burned my hand a bit... -w-
    Oh, well, my mom only calls for me when she needs me to vacuum or do something. Other than that, she doesn't really know anything about me or my interests. They get upset with me over little things for seemingly no reason. ;w; Oh, they don't know... my mom just thinks I'm moody~

    Oh, okay!

    nw. I understand.
    Oh, my parents are both careless so I've legit been raising myself my whole life... *shrug* I'm fine with it mostly but it gets to me sometimes.

    Eeep, yeah...

    Oh, um, I'll edit then. ;w; Kind of wanted to avoid more injuries...
    Yeah, it's okay. I was planning to reply anyways but I had to leave the house...

    One of those days... these happen quite frequently when you have apathetic, distant parents who get mad at you a lot... >.>

    AND they're already like aqainted in re: so we're all set. (I don't remember this part though it may be fan art) Awww I hope something happens with them. (for some reason everyone thinks ayato is like 20)

    Do ask xD I'd be interested to hear his response hahaha
    Ayato the arrogant, protecting, strong, Aojiri memeber with the sweet, kind, and unpredictably strong Hinami...
    I... Am starting to support... AYAHINA!!

    WILL IT?! I should ask your Fiancée
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