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  • Definitely! He's going to be aired on the news. hehe. You'll see why. ;) <3

    Sounds great! By then, the plot will be a lot more developed and things will be moving quite smoothly~ Yay! I'll definitely let you help.
    *grins* It'll be great but he only gets a small cameo for now~


    Yay! I'll be sure to make it awesome. I might ask you for some help when it's time to add them in~
    Oooh, I see. It'll take me longer because school... ;w;

    Hm... that could work? What does "dumb my shoppe" mean?

    Thanks. It will be. I'll definitely make them a clone too~
    Yay!~ I'll be able to finish it by Friday hopefully~

    Oh, like you do more GFX? And like wallpaper stuff?

    YES! I'll do it! Now, I need to think of a name/gender~
    Oooh, cool!

    You can always save up more after? Or like do commissions?


    Like this character who is so self-less that everything they do is for other people. (It might have been done before but I want to add someone like that into PG.)
    Ooooh, okay. How many chapters are in total so far? :3

    Hm... well, maybe... save for it?

    I think chapter 25 is a good place to stop for today. I'll see about reading more tomorrow. hehe.
    Really? Do I? :3

    Oooh, you should!~

    Nuh-uh, it's not trash! It's not!

    Please do! I'm excited!
    Yes! Let me know once you do! ^w^

    Please finish it though... I, like, really want to know your reactions to it. ;w;

    Chapter 22!
    Ooooh, okay!

    Hm... well, first step to inspiring you. Did you finish reading DH?

    Chapter 21 now! :D
    Chapter 20 of the manga! :D
    I started reading from chapter 7 an hour or so ago. //fast reader
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