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  • Ahhhh I feel you!!! I wish I had more time on my hands ; v; Ahhh I'm glad you are doing better!! ; v; And oh no!! ; __ ; jsflkdjsd I hope you don't get sick too often!! ; __ ;

    Ahhh thank you so much!!! >/v//< Good news is that I just got PS!!! So I'm looking forward to seeing my gfx improve <3
    have a nice nap
    You're such a boss, I'm so intimidated by you now. Omg I better not mess with you, oh god no.
    Yes... Yes you can.
    Do you need to pm me? If it's too private..

    WHAT is going on?! What happened
    I'm confused. What happened in the last picture?

    YES, uhh I'll take shironeki this time. (Bc that's my favorite one) YES I LIKE YOUR CHEESY QUOTES, they're funny and cute!
    I'll leave the theme or whatever up to you, because you're the artist. (;

    Oh alright. I guess that's okay. aw I'm sorry you have to stay in a hospital for a week, that must be the worst. ;-; Hospital food is disgusting. I hope you'll do okay! When are you going?
    Also, make sure Kanou doesn't implant ghoul organs in you. O:
    can I please have part 2? I'm trying to stay calm when I secretly lov- GAAAH HIDE IS THE FAIRY GODMOTHER HAHAHAHAH THATS THE BEST OMG.

    WOOOO LETS DO MATCHIES AGAIN THEN! Yay I'd love that. But I can't do another quote, I suck, you have to make my quote XD
    Also Kaneki looks very beautiful *sheds a tear*

    why do you have to stay in the hospital?
    No worries at all!! I bet you're busy!! >//v//< Hehe thanks! I'm doing great!! How about you? c:

    Ahhhh thank you so much!!! ;//v/; I'm so glad you think so!! >//v//<
    new lock screen/ background
    I love this
    um I managed to make 5 little kids cry simultaneously..

    they were all in my aunts room, so I had to get them out because they can't be in there, and they wouldn't listen to me. So what I did was turn off the lights, and slowly close the door. (Like how they do in the horror movies) Then they all got really scared and ran out of the room. Hahahah that was funny actually but I'm a horrible person XD
    Oh ok! I think I get it now! I'll continue watching it tonight :)
    Is it still ongoing? I forgot XD

    Oh my goodness I'm special ;D THAT ACTUALLY MADE ME SMILE, thank you ;-; that's so nice of you to say
    (I get all buttered up when someone calls me special for some reason)

    YES, I WANT TO GO TO A TOKYO GHOUL PARTY SO BADLY. Yeah.. Psht he should've dressed as kuroneki if he didn't like pictures, because I feel like kuroneki wouldn't. OHGOD IF I SAW A KANEKI, I WOULD DASH 1000 MILES PER HOUR, AND TACKLE HIM. Just like Hide did. But in actuality, I'd probably stare from a distance and start planning our wedding.
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