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  • Great!

    But how...? I'm confused. ;w;

    Yeah, it might be the same chapter. Depends on how much space Zack's POV takes up~

    idk how that'd work tbh... >.<

    Don't worry. I'll probably go back to him once I'm done with Zack. Just giving a break to timeskip them walking to the cafe~
    Oooh, I'm sure she'll protect you~ *hugs*

    Oh, well, he's busy.

    After that little preview, I change POV's to Zack for a bit~
    Haha yeah I collect figures n stuff and I have a little persona collection c:

    I absolutely love arena but sadly all my data got wiped and I've been too lazy to get back to where I was :c, I hope he get's into it, it's always super fun to play with someone else!
    and maybe I'm just not sociable enough but I haven't had much luck finding anyone else here ;-;
    Favorite P4 character has to be teddie, preferrably out of this costume. I'm on a mission to collect all the human teddie merchandise I can find.
    I know, I really wish there were more persona fans .c. I've only met one other fan on the forums a while back.
    Yes, I can~ *grins* It is cool! Oooh, that's nice!

    Ooooh, I see!
    You should be. ;3

    *grins* SURE!
    Oh, hm... it's hard to explain... I just get the cute, innocent vibe from your messages. Just a gut feeling, really~

    Oh? Why will it hurt you? ;w;
    Okay! I'll look over how much I'll share then PM it~

    Oooh, sounds great!
    Hm... you're so sweet and innocent. That's why~

    *grins* Maaybe... actually, now that I think about it, Seth is going to manipulate Nate a bit too.
    I got distacted, I'm sorry xc
    hehe great I can't wait. You already have Suzuya's personality down!
    Hahaha that's going to be soooo cool! Just his wig though... his hair is a bit unusual.
    Is hide short though? I TOLD YOU NOT TO ASK HIM, DID I NOT!? It's only good when you do it yourself xD baaaaka

    HOW ARE YOU PLANNING ON MAKING YOUR VILLAGERS PSYCHOTIC AND EVIL!? I'm not even caring about villagers, should I? I don't think they play a big role in making the town ghoul-ish. BUT HOW WILL YOU DO THIS? I'm interested xD
    *probably the only acnl player that doesn't care about villagers* That's going to take awhile ;-; and a lot of time travel
    Oh, um, but I want to protect you not hurt you... so I can't be creepy to you even if I try... ;w;

    Hm... no. You'll see~ More like they team up and stalk someone else. ;)
    Wait. Are you sure...? Because I can get really creepy. ;3

    Hm... I don't think he will.
    Hehe, thanks!~
    Good enough. *grins*

    You'll see. Here's a small hint: Seth and Nate might be forming a little alliance soon. *winks*
    Yes, I promise. It should be fine~
    Yup. That's me. Total bad influence. *shot* Heh.

    Psh. he'd obviously stalk... um... hm... Oooh, I know! Wait. I can't tell you yet bc spoilers. ;)
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