EloquentElixir Jun 14, 2017 Oh, 190? Well you can send the extra back if you want, if not you can keep it
Agiledog Jun 12, 2017 LuciaMew - Order ready Exotic wardrobe 2180 Exotic chair 1400 Exotic table 2300 Lovely love seat 2000 Minimalist wardrobe 3000 Modern tile 1540 Modern wardrobe 2560 Modern desk 2480 Modern table 1800 Modern cabinet 2580 Modern wood closet 1600 Dotted rug 1600 Polka dot dresser 2400 Polka dot lamp 2400 Polka dot low table 2400 Polka dot tv 2400 = 34,640 + fee = 40,000 (16)
LuciaMew - Order ready Exotic wardrobe 2180 Exotic chair 1400 Exotic table 2300 Lovely love seat 2000 Minimalist wardrobe 3000 Modern tile 1540 Modern wardrobe 2560 Modern desk 2480 Modern table 1800 Modern cabinet 2580 Modern wood closet 1600 Dotted rug 1600 Polka dot dresser 2400 Polka dot lamp 2400 Polka dot low table 2400 Polka dot tv 2400 = 34,640 + fee = 40,000 (16)
Agiledog Jun 12, 2017 LuciaMew - Order ready Kiddie bureau 2200 Kiddie carpet 1632 Kiddie couch 2200 Kiddie dresser 2152 Kiddie table 2200 Kiddie wall 1500 Alpine wall 1320 Cabin rug 1540 Cabin dresser 2160 Cabin wardrobe 2480 Cabin couch 2480 Cabin table 2100 Cabin low table 2100 Cabin clock 2000 Exotic rug 1820 Exotic bed 2540 = 32,424 + fee = 40,000 (16) Respond to this VM and add this FC 4957-7402-8737 when you are ready for delivery
LuciaMew - Order ready Kiddie bureau 2200 Kiddie carpet 1632 Kiddie couch 2200 Kiddie dresser 2152 Kiddie table 2200 Kiddie wall 1500 Alpine wall 1320 Cabin rug 1540 Cabin dresser 2160 Cabin wardrobe 2480 Cabin couch 2480 Cabin table 2100 Cabin low table 2100 Cabin clock 2000 Exotic rug 1820 Exotic bed 2540 = 32,424 + fee = 40,000 (16) Respond to this VM and add this FC 4957-7402-8737 when you are ready for delivery
xxdreamer May 28, 2017 Hi, for your closet-cleaning thread, are the roasted dino meat, tennis racket, cruiser bike, and metal-and-wood chair still available?
Hi, for your closet-cleaning thread, are the roasted dino meat, tennis racket, cruiser bike, and metal-and-wood chair still available?