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  • Sorry about that. Our time zones don't line up well. Thank you for popping in! I appreciate it. Have a good night! ^-^ I'm going to bed now haha!
    I am actually still on and can hop in to do it right now if you want. If you want to cancel I understand that too.
    Ok I have to go to bed now because I have to work tomorrow. I will be back online tomorrow evening from 7-11PM EST. See you then! Thanks! ^-^
    Hmm... Do you know how much longer you will be? I am still open waiting on a delivery, but after that I will need to go to bed since it is Midnight here. :/
    Er it's 11am here so maybe until 3? Let me know about when you'll be done and I'll check for vms around that time
    I'll be on tomorrow the whole day but I have back to back lectures today so won't be able to trade. Thanks for holding tho, just vm me tmr and I'll reply! (I'm in +8 gmt by the way)
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