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  • Great, how does now sound? :D Also would you prefer me coming to deliver or would you rather come to my town to pick them up? Either works for me!
    I'm sorry for the late reply too haha! I know it's late now where you live but if you have time maybe we could do the trade soon? :)
    My availability tomorrow is pretty much all day, first day off work in weeks lmao. I'll drop you a VM when I'm online. C:
    Alright. I'm going to have to go to bed soon, so can we do it tomorrow. I'm in EST. I can tip you a bit extra tbt for the hold / reserve I guess?
    Of course! I can sell you the hollies and if you still need any pink azalea starts, I can give you some of those for free. But I can't trade yet because I'm at school. I'll be back home at 3 (2 hours from now) and if you can trade today I'll be available until I go to bed. :)
    I'll sell her to you! Just let me get everything ready. Should be about 15 minutes.
    Hey I am ready to drop off your Basket when you are! Just let me know when your gates are open!
    Hi! I'll be online for most of today so let me know when you're ready. :D would you like delivery or pick-up?
    Hi there, sorry for the wait! If you're still interested in the 14 azaleas, I'll be online tomorrow to deliver. Let me know when a good time for you tomorrow will be. ^^;
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