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  • Hey a third time! Redd is in town today and he has a real moving painting for sale! You can just come over and buy it. ^^; I'll have my gates open.
    Hey again. Sorry I haven't left the wifi feedback yet: I forgot it doesn't work on mobile. Then I fell asleep. >_> I'm gonna try using the "full" site on my phone, and if that doesn't work, I'll get out my laptop later. (n_n)b
    Yeah I am pretty used to PST so I was surprised you were up! Its ok, we can just trade later today, good night :>
    Hello, I just got home. I'm not sure if you're available right now for trade but I'm free to trade again because I'll be home all day tomorrow.
    No it's fine! I've been trying to go back to sleep for the past hour, it's not happening. Dumb meeting. :T Have you added me? It's saying we're not friends yet...
    Yeah, sure. I was trying to get back to sleep (I had an early meeting at work) but it's not happening. Might as well do some animal crossing stuff!
    150k is totally fine! I'll add you now and I can give you the statue whenever we're both online. I should be online for a while later on today.
    Seeing our timezones, I probably can't trade until its Saturday for you bc I just woke up and I have to go out until evening. Are you fine with that?
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