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  • Am here for next 8 hours or something like that now. You can come to my town now if you'd like.
    Cool :3 Just let me know when you're available! It should take something like half an hour!
    Will be going out soon, should be here for another hour or so though. Let me know when you're ready so I can come to collect or you can come to my town. Which would you prefer?
    Lol I thought my visitors messages were on but I forgot they were off. I hope that yes was the answer to my question but if it was then yay another Touhou fan ^^
    It's almost night for me. I'll be online for a few more hours, if that's alright. ^-^

    Sorry. >.< Are there any hybrids or gold furniture that you'd like?
    I wish there was a way to see how long you've been online since you joined.
    I'm alright. Some long time family friends just came over to my house, and I have my first present. Thanks for wishing me happy birthday!
    How are you? Your giveaway ends on my birthday. Hopefully I will have some birthday luck~
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