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  • awww ;n; Marina !
    please add this code :) 0877-2359-2471

    also I found that ignoring them doesn't make them go away ;n; ! (chadder took so long because I never talked to him)
    alrighty ^^ !
    it is almost 3am though ;n; I'm not sure when I will go to bed, but I will be watching a couple of episodes of Liar Game with my roomie :3 (summer vacation yay!)

    I TTed to the 7th just in case *--* !
    Congrats on getting your Dreamies!! ^^ that is awesome!

    I have 9 villagers atm (including Stitches)
    Yes if you want I can come over, but I want to put Stitches in boxes first (so that I can plot reset safely x3)

    My other cartridge is on another DS, and when I put it back on my main 3ds, the date changes by a month *--* ! I'm too scared to load the game and lose him (even if I revert the date)
    Could you add this FC ? :3 0877-2359-2471 thank you ^^
    Yes!! off course!
    I'll be extra careful with TTing. It's so easy to void them ;n; ! will mail you again shortly to let you know when he is ready :)
    He is leaving the 9th of June ! (it is June 4 in my game)
    I can Time Travel :) ! Please let me know when I can adopt Beau <3 and thank you so much for waiting… I thought he would never leave xD !
    Stitches is moving !!! he pinged me a couple of minutes ago xD !

    I am curious about this scammer you mentioned. Where did this start?

    I was out all day yesterday so I couldn't TT much ;n; ! I'm still on to it. I also try to talk to him a lot, because I learned that ignoring a villager doesn't work :I

    Sorry for the wait x( !!!
    I TTed and Marina is in boxes right now! I'd send this in a private message but it says your inbox is full.
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