Sorry I had to log out it was pretty late when we tried to connect.
I'm guessing you gave him or voided him by now?
If not I'll be happy to try again but I don't think it will work...
Thanks so much for your patience.
I want to exaplin cuz I feel bad ;-; rn im using animal crossing as procasnation in between studying and such so I never did get around to ordering the items, I've been saving any regal/minimalist stuff. this semster ends in one week so [its final weeks ;-;] but after this week I promise to get to it! please dont pay OTL I feel like a douche for forgetting ;-;
Thanks so much! Adding you too, let me know when your gates are open.
I'm thrilled! I just hope I won't have any connection problems, it happens to me quite often.
Hey there, just to let you know that I posted in your giveaway thread for Papi.
I'm available right now and he's a dreamie of mine. Let me know if you are interested!
its np really ;o; if you wanna pay that'd be fine ^^'' I'm sorry that'll be so long ;; in my other two towns I TT but in my main town I dont want to risk anyone moving out so I dont tt at all and thats the town with the almost complete catalog ;-;
I actually got francine from a friend c: and dont worry! its free just give me patience on ordering it is all I ask c: I'll order the regal and some will get here at 5, and I'll order the rest and the full regal set should be here by 9am friday and rococo on saturday ;o;
thats insane, they look like alike and ugh u-u ignore me, I also have all the octopus's and would have them in the same time if it wasn't for the fact that bob and erik already were in my second town and I didn't feel like moving around villagers. Even if I dont get francine from you I can order the rococo/regal set for you ;o;
thats perfect I'll let you know if I do find her else where ^-^, you'll be happy to know she'll be with her sister chrissy in my third town where they'll be the popstars c:
I have the regal, rococo, minimalist [I'll double check if it's complete but I'm almost positive,] complete c: I have an extra sloppy couch ;o; but sadly thats all I have for the sloppy set
I see c: well I'm acitvely looking for her so I might get her before pings c: I have 5mil in one town with a lot of the snowman set/flower/fishing/mermaid set and 4 mil in my main with a bit of everything ^^
Hi I noticed you have Francine up as a villager for trade against another dreamie and I'll save you the sob story and just ask uvu, are you willing to trade her for DLC, bells. hybrids or strictly dreamies ;o;