Oh, you can bet for sure that I’ll be getting a Switch AC edition if it comes with the game and has a cool design! What better way to get my first Switch?
Yeah, I am! I’m honestly glad they moved the release date back to 2020. That gives me more time to get a Switch in the first place. How about you? Are you excited?
It’s really fun! Once I got here a whole new world opened up for me and I met a lot of acquaintances and people I would have never known had I not gone to university. The studying and process is grueling, but the ultimate reward of a degree is definitely worth it. For what I want to do having a degree will help make the company take me more seriously in the future. I’ll also have a flare of professionalism once I graduate that I don’t feel like I would have if I didn’t go to university. Anyway, I’m headed to sleep soon. I hope you have a great week.
That’s awesome. Have you decided on if you’re going to university yet? Also, what a coincidence! Ed and Spike are my favorite characters from the show as well.
Unless you have already received it? Apologies for bothering you if you have. I tend to note down a list of those that are still expecting items and for some reason you were still on there.