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  • ahh I just registered it (•́︿•̀ ;;)
    (and we're trading at 4:00-4:30 PM pacific standard time, right?)
    I've never bred a single Pokemon so I was completely clueless - as usual. Oh, that makes sense! I can't believe I did okay with my reasoning. You are far more experienced at both Pokemon in general & breeding so if you recommend Modest then that's what I'd like. I did not realize most of a Mimikyu's moves were Sp Attack. Yep, using Modest makes the most sense. Thank you very much for the great information & for being so patient with me!
    Wow! There is so much to learn about breeding! I haven't read it all yet but I did find something that explained Natures. I don't know if Shiny Mimikyu has different base stats but I looked up Mimikyu's and it seems that Sp. Attack is it's lowest and Sp. Defense it's highest with Speed second highest. Based on the chart I found I think I would like either Quiet or Rash. Quiet puts up Sp. Attack and lowers Speed where Rash raises Sp. Attack and lowers Sp. Defense. Did I get that all right? Ugh, I hope so. What would you do? Do you think I'm making a good choice? (You can be honest. I don't mind.) Thanks!
    Thank you for being so nice about all of this. I'll google one right now. I'll look for one that goes step by step also. Hopefully it won't be too hard for me to figure out. Thank you!
    I'm embarrassed to say this but I don't know anything about natures. I'm so sorry. Is there a site I could read about them on? *dies of embarrassment*
    Thank you so so so much! Summer is perfect! :D I just sent the bells and I'm sending you feedback right now! ^^
    I'll be available for the next few hours, so send me a VM whenever you're ready and we can trade then! :)
    Oh I'm sorry, I think I was busy that day and didn't get the chance to reply :( And then I totally forgot to reply because I'd already looked at the message and the notification disappeared lol. But yes I'm still interested!
    I was wondering of by any chance you still have your Pokémon business
    I do have a friend that need a volcanion and a shiny diance
    In stat or nature doesn't matter
    I can pay as much you need for them
    Whoops sorry just got your message now.
    Yeah of course, we can do it now. Let me add you and open my gates for you.
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