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  • HAHAHHAAHAHA, I signed up awhile ago. & i don't understand the website, **** looks hella old school. Like....can they not afford an upgrade???
    Ugh, that sounds better than pizza tbh.

    And there was just a restock, 12 year olds be hoarding them - thinking they can make bank. LOL
    Winter makes me sad too ;*( But at least your winter it's 50+ degrees vs. over here it's like negative 50. rip
    You're Mom is lame that's why <3 LOL. Ok, I'mma try to reset for them too. I got Julian for someone.

    Omfg, rekt. They spent your tbt, hahahahhaa. Give them a neg. rating. It's too late to report the thread.
    I RESET, WHO DOES YOUR MOM WANT THE MOST? lmao. or i can get them all, whatever she wants. she even fb messaged me, LOL /dead
    Oh no worries!It's not your fault since you have a ton of tests and requests coming in qq.I believe it was the rotom,skitty,meganium,and trapinch!Thank you
    I shouldn't really disturb you during tests and finals,super sorry qq.And thank you so much!
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