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  • LMAO, rip. Better make a google doc to keep up!!!

    omfg, i am watching paranormal activities 4 by myself. like why /dead
    LOL, oh ok. I have them both, I'll tell you when they're in boxes.

    & get your homework done, get off tbt and tumblr. geesh!
    Awe, well it's done now. AC YOU DON'T GOTTA WORRY. I have a lot of **** in my cycling town, you can use like all that **** because I need to reset anyways : ) <3

    I'm ok though, just woke up from a nap an hour ago and ate some pie. Pie is always good. Omfg that girl singing iggy's song, rip. I want to see the full video though, LOL.
    You don't have to have all your ac **** ready, lmao. just post it up and have it all ready for next weekend. Does that make sense?

    YAAS, PASS THAT CLASS <3 Everything ok though?
    OOps, forgot to mention in the PM. You don't need to have all the prizes ready now, NUB. Just get the **** writen up, post and we'll get it all together in the mean time : )

    omfg, pink poodle. I only have 1 dog, i don't want to get more yet in case i get the dlc and i can get cute dragons and ****. <3333
    Come home to me, I will cook for you <3 LOL, get your licenses. You get xp for trying all the **** out. & there's a dlc, you get cute animals + an island when you beat the game.

    & omfg when are you planning this giveaway anywyas?
    Oh and we should play together this weekend or something (or before I get the dlc), but if i get the dlc. I'mma just buy it for you tbh.
    This person/thread, IT'S ADORBS.

    omfg, i know??? Just keep playing, the story line is pretty darn cute. Gaaah, the damn butterfly. <3
    I don't really know which one is my fav. I like fishing because it's cute, but I just like making stuff. Tailoring/Woodcrafting/etcetc. The little mini-game things are fun and adorable. omfg.
    Ooohh not a weird message at all haha, I've never heard of PLASTICZOOMS, I'll go check'em out :) I loooove Plastic Tree though, they are probably my favorite more hard vkei sounding jrock band :D
    sorry for sending over like sucky poke
    i feel bad when i send over bad poke for trade since i have nothing to trade back lol
    OHH, OMG. GET YO' LICENSE THEN. DANG! You've been working on it for awhile now! N00b!11!

    & because ily, that's why I'mma buy the game for your brokeas$$.

    Ok, send it to me. So I can organize ****....or at least fine space for it tbh, lololol.
    He cleans and can pick up dog poop. He's also cute and tall, lmfao. But he's balding, so I dunno if you like boys with no hair. rip. And why in May? Why not now? o_O

    And do you have fantasy life? If you don't, I'mma try to get it for you :D

    omfg, stfu. there is like frozen snow becaus eit's like rain + snow + cold ass **** and ughhhhh. CAN WE SWITCH SPOTS? YOU CAN LIVE OVER HERE. You can have my bf too, goddamn. /dies

    & i'm a boss, mods love me. lmfao.
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