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  • Haha it's all good, you don't have to do any of that.
    And i'm ready to deal when you are : )
    Okay, just VM when ready.
    Do you want any battle items or anything really?
    I'm trying to make 400 TBT heh
    Haha, yeah, we had a honeybell tree in the backyard when I lived in Florida that would blossom past honeybell season that I used to cash in on. The oranges weren't as good as the store bought ones from cali, but I'll take being able to get honeybells out of season versus no honeybells any day.
    Aw, hope you feel better soon! And i dont really care, and Im not sure if RJ is gonna give me the Donphan that he mentioned to me like 5 minutes after I sent you the VM XD Anyways, I cant do the trade now, as I have to write a paper.
    Hi! Do you have just any phanpy I could have? IDRK about its IVs or egg moves, but I would like a phanpy if you have one! THANKS!!!
    Hey Zora! Can you explain to me the significance of having certain balls in x/y?
    I've had the game since release, but am now gonna play lol
    Second Batch: Column 245 to 373
    Column 245: 252 HP/252 Special Attack/4 Special Defense
    Column 250: 252 HP/252 Special Defense/4 Defense
    Column 264: 252 Special Attack/252 Speed/4 HP
    Column 267: 252 Special Attack/252 Speed/4 HP
    Column 270: 248 HP/252 Defense/8 Special Defense
    Column 346: 252 Attack/252 Speed/4 HP
    Column 369: 252 Special Attack/252 Speed/ 4 Special Defense
    Column 373: 252 Speed/252 Special Attack/4 HP
    I'll be right back, you can send payment now and I will finish up the second batch of them
    First Batch: Column 21 to 166

    Column 21: 4HP/252 Speed/252 Attack
    Column 24: 252 HP/252 Attack/4 Speed (Used for phasing, bulky recommended)
    Column 27: 252 Attack/252 Speed/4 HP
    Column 36: 252 Attack/242 Speed/4 HP
    Column 59: 252 Attack/252 Speed/4 HP
    Column 91: 252 HP/252 Spec Attack/ 4 Special Defense
    Column 166: 252 Attack/252 Speed/ 4 Defense
    LMAO, YOU SAW THAT?? HAHAHAHA, I was going to just leave it there for a min. until you messaged me "wtf" hahahahhaa. <3
    hai! I was wondering if I accidentally gave you a Meditite, Sneasel, or Chikorita?
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