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  • I would love to trade with you tomorrow for Limberg's and Monty's pic c: Lemme know when you'll be on!
    The dream ball Feebas would be amazing then :3 are you available to trade now?
    sorry late reply, no no it's fine it happens :) I'll pay for it~ Um if you don't mind me asking, what's the difference?
    Yeah I wanted to be funny and put on a item, I was scrolling through and saw I had a soda pop, and I was like OMG that is so perfect.
    He has pokerus on, you can have it for free, I didn't have any time to take it off sorry
    Ok let me pop in pokemon Y and you can have hi back, I didn't mess with the moveset at all.
    so im doing a dream address visit giveaway, prizes are based on my town, so im trying to get items together for it
    hahaha hope the party goes well!! i threw in some extras for ya mom!
    Sure not a problem! I'll VM you tomorrow and you can let me know all the ones you want. I'm trying to get rid of them anyways since I'm not playing x anymore xD
    Since you have a lot of trading to do, I can VM you after work tomorrow. Around 8pm central (it's currently 9:14) because I need to go to end soon since I have to work early.
    Also. I have a 6iv shiny furfrou if you were looking for high IV shinies.
    And 3 pokebank celebi events.
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