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  • okay, thanks :) I need to add you to the bf list btw! My wifi has been weird lately so if you could save like after I've picked a few just in case I d/c :(
    aw tyty, I'm gonna post her on reddit once she decides to move so hopefully she goes quick. Btw you wouldn't happen to have any weeds in your cycle town that I could pick? pretty please :3 I'm trying to get all the badges D;
    Sorry, my Kindle shows me online sometimes. When would Curlos be in boxes cause I got a villager moving out soon cause I had Marina move in recently.
    kso I'm trying to get get Mira/Chrissy out and guess who comes up to me wanting to leave? Cole. He says 'it's time to move on..' its like ER NO you little b**** you stay right there and be happy for what you've got, jeeze.
    He's as close to the town hall that he could get RIGHT IN FRONT OF IT omg but they're cute so we have to put up with it ;_;
    o m g wow ;_; Think of the worst place a villager could put their house and that's where PIETRO MOVED TO.
    D: I didn't think of that! ahh oh well I wanted her out anyway lol. I've never payed attention to Octavian, just googled him and he is so angry looking omg ahhaa but I suppose that's why he's cranky >_> and Kabuki is just as scary! hmm, I've got my heart set on Lobo but I'll probs just see what shows up in the next few days and wait to get him later.
    ahahhahaa, aww he is :3 Only one left! I realised the other day after I'd let Wolfgang move out that he was my only cranky, so I've decided on Lobo :) It was so weird because I saw a giveaway on here for Lobo and commented.. then checked reddit and there was Pietro x___x so I had to pick between them! Then the person who wanted Margie didn't reply so I had to TT her out (RIP Margie<3)
    I just got Pietro!!! I was on reddit and saw it, I typed so fast omg. sosoososo happy right now <3
    I would love to adopt Curlos, then! Please let me know what you need me to do and I'd be happy to do so. ^^
    I would love Curlos, but at the moment I'm waiting for villagers to move out since I just got a Dreamie moved in so I have 9 villagers. I'm not sure if he'd move in as a tenth. D:
    weds, omfg. i **** you not i ****ing won diana in a raffle. BEAU, MERENGUE, AND DIANA ALL IN ONE TOWN. I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW I'M GONNA DIE OMGGGAUISJDKMLSDASUIJOSKL. /dies in your arms u//w//u
    omg i feel rude i didn't reply. D: get in chat pls, ehehhe. can spam you there but uh, still no sign of marina :c still been TT
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