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  • I want the insect chairs too. Want to split? And I take floral furniture and some gulliveritems.
    We can split the cost for the auction! :D
    I have the Princess Lamp and Clock in my store atm, if you still want the Princess items. c:
    and yo, the nook bbyz were selling some wheat thingies, so i bought one and can catalog dem to get you a **** ton for your house ;w;
    ;w; that's fine, i have the medicine case + box ready, if there's anything else you need just tell me!
    ;o; gosh, you're such a sweetheart. and nono, I'll pay the full 100k you paid for it c:
    Hi, Zoraluv. :) I grew you a patch of White Lilies in LeoCreek. My fc is 0705 3018 0448. I won't be there because I have to go run some errands, but I added you and opened my gates. The lilies are sort of straight down in front of the station, beside the black roses. You can pick the whole patch, I grew it for you. :)

    If you have to wander around a bit to find them, thats okay. They are the only white lilies in the town, so you should be able to find them fairly easily. :)

    Have fun picking flowers. :)
    No tip, please!! You gave me PLENTY yesterday! :D
    ;w; that's fine! I'm not sure how many are DLC but I know from which items I know are DLC on the list would be 500k or more LOL mostly the 7-11 items x3 I'd like to sell some more DLC in my shop just because I know when I first found TBT it was really hard for me to find JP DLC that wasn't like over 500k-1mil a piece. x___x
    ;o; anything you want for any of the items i'm going to list? i'd feel poopy if i got a bunch of stuff for free xD
    oooh lawd. i'm looking at your list and there's literally so many items i want from it x___x would you be open to me paying you for a bunch of items? because i already have like 20 tabs open and i'm only like 10ish pages into your catalog xD
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