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  • Ok <3
    Ahhh I feel so out of place on the boards nooowww. Gonna take a few days for me to not feel that way again XD Also feel like
    Haha sorry, I needed to rant a bit to someone. I will be over soon! First, I have to pick up Tia from Mia. (LOLOLOL) which may take a bit, depending when she replies. Sorry for the wait!
    I still wanna go over to your town, and I still want you to come to mine though <3 DONT CRY

    And yeah, I can't believe I handled it at all. Honestly I don't think I did much, all I do is cause problems :/ Its gonna take awhile to get used to this. Never really joined a forum before, and if I was in one I never really chatted... or anything. I guess this will teach me to never try anything huh? Lol. Reminded me why I quit going to public school
    You dont have to give me anythingg <3 But thank youuu <3 Haha it has been a long day, wouldn't you say? XD
    House warming gifts? Lol you don't have to give me anythingggg~ I just like being friends with all you guysss :D
    I saw you posted on a cycling thread that you're looking for Henry! He's in my cycle town and has a moving date. If you want, I can TT him out for you?
    I knowww but it just makes me feel awful! >:
    Let me know how much I owe you for the bushes o: btw, I'll come by tonight and drop off some lilies if you need them still and some bells for the bushes c:
    I'm gonna post the auction thread, I won't end it till tomorrow so you can keep trying to come to my town tonight but tomorrow I'm gonna give him up.
    Sorry dear I know you wanted him >:
    I didn't have a chance to TT her out. LOL, and then Turnips happened, and I thought it would be okay to wait until today, but he got a move in. So I told him i'll wait still.
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