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  • Hi, I'm sorry my wifi has been out and I didn't get to say earlier, but I tried to do a trade with someone earlier and wasn't able to connect because of it :( I tried using my phone internet but it wasn't a strong enough connection or something, so that's why I haven't on all day to trade!! Sorry about that but I'm really hoping things will be up and running again tomorrow, sorry for the delay!
    hi! i saw your reply to my villager request thread. unfortunately i forgot to set my requests as closed for the time being while i'm offline, which i will be until this sunday. if you're able to wait i'd be happy to get her to you then, and if not or you'd like to get her somewhere else in the meantime i understand. have a great day!
    there seems to be a problem whenever I try to go to your town, can i try opening my gate to see if it will work?
    ah yus that be brillaint! Let me find it! (i got a lot of items I don;t need and its hard to find stuff)
    hi, I can get you the palm tree lamp already, the other stuff I need to order for tomorrow, is that oki?
    hi! he's not, im sorry :( he decided to not move afterall, but if he starts to move again i will let you know!
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