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  • I see that you're not online xD. I'll hold Leonardo for you! I live in the U.K and i usually get up at around 2/3pm so hopefully we can arrange something then! VM me back a time suitable for you! :)
    Voided him now! Sorry :/ I can keep you on the lurking list if you'd like. He'll probably show up again in the future!
    He's not original btw. He changed his top <.< But apart from that he should be original.
    Leonardo is in boxes now! I'll be voiding him in a few hours. Please PM/VM me as soon as you see this! :)
    Oh! I forgot to ask, when it's time to harvest may i buy a basket of perfect cherries for 200k? c: Let me know if you'd need more <u<
    i have boone in boxes. he's free of charge. i've added you, and gates are open :)
    I saw that you wanted Shep in that giveaway thread, He just asked to move out in my town and I though I'd give him to you, I don't think that he is that original though

    Just added your FC. I can open the gate to Koriko soon as you add me back.

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