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  • I'd like to give a chance other, so yes, but I have lots of flowers to give away too, and I'm thinking of opening the gate for everyone who have me added, not sure, if it'll be today though.
    Yessss!! omg thank you sooo much! Does it only work on blonde hair? Jc. But thank you so so so much!!
    Hi! I have a question! Your avatar is wearing this floral headband, and I've seen someone wear it before while visiting a town or someone visiting me. I was wondering where is it from? Thank you! I've been looking for it forever!
    While I'm waiting for Val to close/re-open gates you can come over and pick up the Cabana set, if you'd like. c: Pretty sure I already have you added~
    Sorry for the wait, i've been so busy, i'll drop off your prize when you're next available:)
    Hello; in the LF thread you said you wanted Walker, right? Well, I have him, and he's moving, but he has nowhere to go since the person who originally reserved him isn't able to take him; if you're able to get on soon and get him, let me know and I'll open my gates for you.
    You are welcome :D I adopted him from DacoSim and was initially for my boyfriend.. but he gotten Stinky instead. So I thought it's better if I could find someone who wants Roald as dreamie. I love Roald too :3 That round chubby penguin who is always showing off muscles xD
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