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  • oh my gosh thank you so much for the happy birthday!!! xoxoxo!! I'm doing pretty well, and I hope the same for you :)
    I feel you on that, I am trying to get my villagers to request more public works. (Come on fairy tale). but it's not working out at the moment, I have to get one more desired villager before I'm attempting to make paths, we will both be able to show off hopefully soon! hehe
    I'm already kind of addicted to Animal Crossing more because of this Forum, haha and you're welcome! Maybe I can visit you sometime, I kind of like peeking at towns to see the nice layouts. Mine is still in the works heavily haha. Thank you for being so nice!
    I saw you around some profiles and thought I'd not be a recluse haha. Hello there! I have to say i love your avatar.
    Those are the best cake and the cutest cupcakes ever!! I need to show them to my mom and give her some ideas for next year :rolleyes: thank you so much!! :D
    I even asked her if it was Maple. She said yes. The town was hacked and the girl was mute, only occasionally speaking to check some things. Her gate was closed when I got to the train station on my new town and when I asked you to reopen her gate was the first to open. Someone must be watching us.
    What... This girl opened her gates and didn't receive any other visitors. She knew I had come up to drop off my stuff without me telling her. I even added your FC and your name wasn't on the list. It must have been you.
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