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  • Oh,okay.:( Sometimes I just think you are trying to be rude.But I used to think you were super nice and cool.Maybe it's because of your avatar,it's creepy...xD What is that from by the way?:) Oh maybe it's because you don't use any emotes.:p That's the best wat for me to tell if someone is trying to bemean or not.:3 Well,once again,sorry.D:
    because i live in massachusetts
    therefore i want to deal with players who are in the same time zone as me so i won't smash my face against a brick after waiting hours for people to drag their butts online for a 5 minute thing
    Oh Christ. I remember reading those books when I was a child. They were the reason I ever needed night lights while resting. I must read through them again soon.
    Can I just say I love your avatar those books were some of my favorites when I was younger the art was one of the best parts of the books

    Shame they changed the art in the newer prints of the books.
    Yeah, I think the art is the best part about them. I really loved the stories when I was younger though.
    I had never even heard of them. Reading them now, I don't think the stories quite live up to the imagery, which is a shame.
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