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  • You know how it's weird that RhinoK gets banned then baller shows up?
    He pt'd me saying "i love you izzy, are you really part cherokee" that sounds like something RhinoK would say.
    cont. ANYWHO. sorry for rambling at you! the compliment really did mean a lot to me, especially from you -- ive always wondered what you thought, even if thats weird -- i just sort of wanted to try to clear the fact that i really, truly do feel that way.
    so i noticed you actually complimented me in the pokedraw thread, and i just didnt want to perpetuate anything there, so i wanted to say it here:
    first of all, thank you for the compliment. it actually means a lot to me.
    second, i know it seems that im fishing for compliments to some people, but in reality, i do hate my art that much. idk, you might not believe me and that's okay -- but my brain is wired to put myself down first, compliment someone second, usually. i really dont think my art is worth a dime, and compliments are hard for me to swallow because i just dont really understand how someone could like it. sometimes, ill feel okay about my art, but most of the time i hate it. its part of why im taking a break for now, i just hate it too much to be able to work.
    I just want to say thank you for posting the honest, sarcastic answers that a lot of people are thinking, but never have the balls to say. I lol at a lot of your posts.
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