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  • What inspired you to use a blow up doll as an avatar? *smiles innocently*

    It does look like fiona, plz don't be fiona...
    Okay, that's completely wrong. The "I wonder why you keep coming back" was extremely uncalled for. I honestly don't know what to say. I guess tbt really is become a ****hole. Maybe try telling jeremy or justin? They probably won''t care but you might as well try.
    Well, it's about time. Things were getting way too boring around here.
    I'm sorry but it was my first poll and I didn't know how to make one then so please don't yell at me about it. It was my first time
    Okay, I definitely need to know where you got that avatar. I love stuff like that.
    i find all your signatures and avatars nightmarish yet strangely intriguing. i applaud you for finding these great images and gifs.
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