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  • It may be because I went to her town to get Mira and buy Stitchy-bear for someone. That's the only thing I can think of.
    She really has grown on me! Compared to most villagers, I think she's better looking. She's so fancy and elegant. No duck has really left a good enough impression on me to want them in my town, but Gloria has definitely made me consider it! ^-^
    I like to hear that other people feel the same way about dogs. Some people are like, "It's just a dog", and I can't stand that. The end of this month will mark a year since Blitzen passed and it still feels like yesterday. I can honestly say that the weekend that I spent making the decision to put him down was the worst weekend of my life. He was 19 years old, so he was a part of almost all of my life! I couldn't imagine my life without him in it. My eyes always tear up when I think about him. I'm sorry about your dog that was taken away from you when you were young. I can imagine how difficult that was and still is when you think about it. Dogs are bundles of pure unconditional love. *hugs*
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