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  • Omg thanks soooo much my code is 0189-8740-7068 I'm soo glad I went to your thread your amazing
    Well she said she'd do it but I guess you could both and I could take whoever has one else first....I'm going out soon anyway
    I asked her if the person picked up rosie....if not I'll take your apple since you could TT now and your both sooooooo great but you got her for me and tried sooo thanks soooooo much again lol
    Omgosh yay! I can come over now, can you PM me your friendcode and ill come right away! Thanks so much!
    Sooo....keep apple! She's a cutie and your profile pic so I know you love her....transfer her to your first town
    Me and onigri decided that I'll take her we know how much you love her and think you should spoil so thanks soo much but you do lots for others and it's time you get sweet little apple anyway thanks and good luck...oh and by the way your not Santa...cause you said a big old man lol....your like a mom cooking a different meal for all her kids and still getting it done quick lol but thanks and your great
    Hello ^_^ Would you possibly be able to clear some P.M's, i'd like to speak to you about something. :)

    Thanks you should sleep too unless it's earlier there but take a break a relax and thanks so much
    I think I'm gonna sleep in a min could you hold her for's ok if not but thanks for all you've done
    Oh and Mary you are soooooo sweet putting people before you if I had a second copy I'd be doing the same.... I love what your doing and thanks very much
    No prob! If you see Sprinkle or Erik in your town post on my wall! Thanks in advance.
    I just wanna say your doing a nice thing giving out villagers! mstout has been loooking everywhere for Apple! Thanks!
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