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  • I believe the menu not showing my activity may be due to my privacy settings, but the gates should be open now!
    OMG are you serious I'm so jealous xD
    I felt so bad I couldn't return the master-rank conversation you were giving LOL!
    Ok cool! I'll be home in a bit, just running across the street for some meds. Will you be around in about 30 min or so?
    Another problem with it is that doctors will be capped out under that system, which means no matter how many patients they work on, they’re not going to get paid anymore than what they’re able to receive. So they minimize the work on the patients and put the rest on healthcare waiting times, which is highly unethical. However, it’s understandable because they have to pay to work on patients, and by not getting paid back, they won’t continue working for the day/week/month or whatever.

    So I have a question for those who want free healthcare. Would they be okay with poor quality healthcare? Would they be okay waiting another year for their surgery?
    Yes, high taxes are a good reason why we shouldn’t have it. But it’s more than just the cost. Under Universal Healthcare, the government gets to decide what medical procedures will be paid for and what will not be paid for. Decisions like these must be left up to the doctors to decide, and by banning these decisions, they’re putting certain lives in danger while taking away choice from doctors. It’s like telling you to not water specific plants when all plants need watering.
    You may not be the best person to answer this, but how is it “uneducated” to oppose single-payer universal healthcare? Why would it worth questioning someone’s education if they’re against it?

    I can explain why I am against it.
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