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  • I know that method, but if there are 3 persons that are giving money, it's better by droping, or this is what I think x3, anyways, when we finish doing that Lolly payment, can I go to catalog or not? >.< I really want so badly to do it D:
    So I can't come to the town to catalog? Oh, I wanted the music u.u And I think that It's better in your town, cause mine is a messy, total messy and I don't have a lot of space to put money ;V;
    To the town to catalog the furniture sets and music!! So, the 48m, you don't mind paying later?? And rly, thanks for trying it!!
    Yep, I know, u only have to come to my town, and If she comes to yours, it's yours, if not, it's fine ;v;
    OMG I don't know what the **** just I do. Yesterday she pinged me and I go to the 30, but she wasn't in boxes. I speak to her and didn't mentioned that there are X days left and blah blah, my 3DS fall and the date reseted, and I changed them, first she was, but I were on 2013 so I changed in 2014. AND SHE WASN'T REALLY, WHAT IS UR FC? Please, save Lolly from the void 'DDDD:
    Okay, I voided Lolly accidentally ;v; Can u try to come to my town and try to save her from the void? ;v;
    Yup! So, I continue the other auction? (I only need 100m, and I have in the bank 52m so, 48 it's good?
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