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  • hello Matt! It is Ravi the girl you did the beau trade with, I just wanted to let you know please let me know when snake decides to move or if he pings you while cyclng. Just a friendly reminder~
    Cool. :D Well then do you want to come over? (or are you REALLY busy?) Cloud can come over to if he wants to.
    I didn't get Rosie. :( idk why. Do you think it was because that girl came over before I took her? I mean I talked to her and she said she was coming to live and then I left. I dunno it's weird. I tried time traveling 5 days and still nothing.
    I just like what you do because I like to help people too :)
    I don't need any villager right now :3
    Omfg Matty <3 And I was about to go onto the Retail tab too LOL yes I believe you still do! terminally2dents is it currently under the name " UM "
    Well! I decided that it was time to actually be a good mayor and take care of my towns so I came back c; I'm glad you're still here!
    I came earlier and pulled a few weeds but then my dad was like "Dinner is ready" and I was like "Crap....". XD
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