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  • Just tell me when your gates are open, something weird happened and mine had to close

    Edit, it's almost been a half hour. I can't wait around for you so I'm going to give it to someone else.
    Yayy! I hope I don't seem rude, but how long will that be? Just want to know so I can figure out whether I wanna make some coffee or start getting ready for bed, haha!
    You are quite welcome. I got almost a dozen on GH day...I didn't want you to get ripped off for a DLC that can be so easily gotten. Enjoy it! :D
    Okay, I'm open! My town is a mess so just follow me a tad and watch me drop it. Yeah...I have crap all over the place! *embarrassed* Come on over! :)
    I have a Resetti Model I'll give you for FREE. They are available all the time on GroundHog Day. My FC for Mrazek is 3840-6912-4514. Let me know and I hope I saved you a bunch of bells in time...
    Gate is open. Town name is Amyville. Make sure your pockets are empty, cuz I have 10 items for you. ;)
    Hey, I see that you are online now. Is now a good time to trade? If not, we can just do it at 7:00 like we planned.
    You can just have all of them for Hamlet's pic. Don't worry about the bells, lol. I'll be online probably until around 10:00 maybe 10:30 tonight. Just send me another message next time you are online. Sorry I keep missing you, lol.
    In terms of Nintendo items, I have Blue Falcon, S.S. Dolphin, triple bananas, fire bar, coin, kart, triple red shells, bill blaster, super star, and Yoshi's egg. Let me know if you are interested in any of those. :)
    Is there anything in particular you were looking for? I don't have a lot to trade at the moment, just some streetpass items, some Nintendo fortune cookie items, and some GracieGrace clothing. Unless there are any orderables you are looking for. Otherwise, how does 200k sound?
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