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  • I was! I almost had him a few days ago. Was going to adopt him, got another villager in boxes, was all set and then they said they voided him already. I was SO sad. And then they wanted the villager I put into boxes... that was weird, lol. But he is now safely plotted in Oyster and I couldn't be happier :)
    Thank you SO much, sweetie for the heads up about Flip! I have messaged the person and keeping my fingers tightly crossed. HUGS!
    Okay Thank You for saving him! And I'm really not in a big hurry, I just hope no one moves in, I have one spot left lol!
    By the way, I have a quick question! This is my first time I adopted someone, so can I time travel now to next day and will Beau be there then? Or do he need to leave your town first? :eek:
    Thank you so much, thank you so much! And don't worry about Lolly, I'll get her in some point for sure! ^^
    So is 5x black lilies, 4x orange lilies and 2x pink lilies good, and 56 BTB? ^^
    I can wait a while.
    It's just that they haven't been online for two days and a half. So I don't know when they're gonna be back. :(
    Yes, I will be! Is it okay if I go to shower very fast, I will stay online and tell you when I'm ready too, taking also about 15 minutes! ^^
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