aleshapie Jan 4, 2015 I am SOOO sorry I missed your post for Rosie! I will gladly sell her to you for 300 TBT!
K K Kanga-Crossing Dec 30, 2014 Hey! I'm on a pretty random times, so just pm me when you can trade C:
Mayor Jasmine Dec 30, 2014 Aww, ok well, thanks for letting me know. And yes please, that would be very much appreciated. Thank u!
Aww, ok well, thanks for letting me know. And yes please, that would be very much appreciated. Thank u!
Mayor Jasmine Dec 30, 2014 Hi there, I was wondering if I could by any chance buy Fushia from u. I did already trade Lolly for Julian a few days ago, but Fushia is a dreamie of mine and I still really want her, so would u be willing to let me buy her?? ^.^
Hi there, I was wondering if I could by any chance buy Fushia from u. I did already trade Lolly for Julian a few days ago, but Fushia is a dreamie of mine and I still really want her, so would u be willing to let me buy her?? ^.^
21giovanna Dec 28, 2014 Hello I am interested in kyle for a friend I have 5 milc:if you still have him
kazyrock Dec 25, 2014 Not too long, nobody is really responding to my thread but I can find someone. Probably an hour and a half at the most. Is that ok?
Not too long, nobody is really responding to my thread but I can find someone. Probably an hour and a half at the most. Is that ok?
kazyrock Dec 25, 2014 Yes!! Do you think I could get her in a few hours? I have to get merengue out. Or however long that takes, will be today tho.
Yes!! Do you think I could get her in a few hours? I have to get merengue out. Or however long that takes, will be today tho.