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  • Hey! So sorry for not being online more often, but Beardos leaving today finally! I've just been super busy and no able to play but whenever youre ready to get him just let me know and we can set up a time! If youve already found him from someone else its nbd but if you still want him we can set up a time! I'm not able to trade rn but I should be soon
    hi! yes I do. sorry I'm in vacay so I haven't had wifi for a few days. I'll message if I can get on today
    hello! im online, just invisible c: i've added you. that's odd, here's my fc: 2423-3265-6426 thank you for letting me know! O:
    hello, your items are ready to be delivered, please let me know when you're free, thank you!!
    Okay~ Thank you for paying in advance, by the way! I love when people do that *u*
    Tell me when you're ready!
    Holy crap do I admire you! Congratulations! I'll put him into boxes right now~ Tell me when you are ready!
    Ah hey it's no problem! I just want him to go to a good home :) (Im finally gonna try to get moveouts woooo)
    Aw it's no problem! Right now Im currently plot resetting for Flurrys house (She just dosnt wanna move in a good spot D: ) But right after I can try to get moveouts (I have a couple of unwanted villagers ;-; (Beardo, Nibbles, Nan, Mint, etc)) I'll let you know when he pings ASAP!
    Hey if you're still looking for Beardo I have him in my town and you can have him when he moves if you'd like! He's completely original except for a shirt change I believe (I never talked to him :p) He hasn't pinged me but I don't want him in my town (Bad placement and he's not a dreamie) so if you'd like him I can let you know when he pings! You can have him for free ofc :D Just let me know If you want him or not!!
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